Creative Process
After going through my studio, I realised I have neglected a few pieces to the point where I completely forgot they existed… eek! It got me thinking of my creative process and how I work. I also made a quick note of the ones found hidden in journals and to come back to them at some stage!
Every artist is different and everyone works differently. I tend to have a few pieces on the go at once. Currently I have five that I have started, halfway through or near competition. I don’t generally have that many in motion at once, usually one or two. But lately I find my hands cannot keep up with my mind! So much so that my journals are usually full of more notes and scribbles of ideas rather then actual drawings. It’s a great way for me to clear the clutter from my mind as my imagination wanders.
It also allows me to be a bit more strategic with ideas, critically analysing elements to determined whether or not they work within a piece or to simply let it be. Perhaps coming back to that idea later on, add to it or use it for a different piece entirely. I have since created an inspiration book to assist with this process, something I’ll touch on in more detail another time.
Deciding which piece to work on is very determined by my mood and which one I’m drawn to in the present moment. I could be nearly finished a piece and simply not feel it that day. Which is important to me, not only because I know I’ll be able to draw better once in that zone, but also so that the piece isn’t forced and grows naturally. I cannot work on a piece unless my heart is fully in it.
This is the reason you may find me constantly changing between drawings. I’m working on the piece that’s sings out to me the most and it feels right. I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing… I believe it’s preventing the piece from becoming stale and forced. Allowing myself to work on it with a fresh set of eyes. That’s just what works for me.
If you’d like to take a glimpse at some of the pieces I’ve been working on recently, you’re welcome to pop on over to my Instagram or Tumblr feed that has all my works in progress and a few behind the scenes images! Hope you enjoy!